If sales are a problem for you, one piece of advice is to STOP “selling”, “closing” and “chasing your prospects”. Stop falling for the age-old belief that “the money is in the follow up”- It's time for you to no longer provide proposals or chase up with anyone. Instead have an approach of “Serving and Loving them” and earn the right to be positioned as a Trusted Authority where they gravitate to you seeking help and advice.
No, it's simple and powerful but definitely not easy. However, when you can master this then…
Your total focus changes to be on seeking clarity with the problems
faced by your potential and existing clients. It's all about getting to
the TRUTH. The journey you take people on in both presale and post-sale conversations will be one of many “memorable moments” they will experience with you in every way they communicate with you.
If you're not getting new clients resulting in inconsistent cash flow or you are feeling uncomfortable about selling your services in any way, then we need to talk about restructuring your sales and onboarding processes so that they fully align with your core values enabling potential clients to Resonate with you so then they will Respect you and be Inspired by you.
If you are not experiencing joy, fulfillment, and success in positioning your services as the ONLY realistic solution for your ideal clients then we need to completely overhaul your messaging and communication approaches to ensure you are delivering highly desirable memorable moments of awareness for your ideal audience.
If you’re unsure or unsuccessful in promoting your services then we should talk about restructuring your sales process so that you have a sales process that speaks from your heart and aligns with your core values.
To do this we will look at 4 key aspects of your sales process: