It’s a Deal


Learn How to At Least Double Your Income By Offering Highly Profitable Services Packages That Create Real Transformations For Your Clients – And An Awesome Lifestyle Business For You

If you’d like to learn how to at least double your fees—while providing real transformations for your clients — the “It's a Deal” program is what you want. It provides you with a proven 5-step plan for turning your experience and expertise into compelling “high-ticket” programs that can bring you thousands of dollars per client.

Allow me to introduce you to…

“Discover How to Package Your Services and Make Them Irresistible”

Read on to learn more about this powerful training program

Peter Beckenham

The Village Marketer



Dear business owner,

Rather than trying to just raise your fees by “winging it”—which rarely works anyway —you need to learn the secrets of how to put together, price properly, market effectively and ensure you deliver premium services that give your clients a total solution. 

The “It's a Deal” program will result in big results for your clients—and because of the tremendous value you’re delivering, it means that you’re very well compensated.

It's a deal will teach you the mindsets, design, pricing, marketing and delivery expertise to:

Charge double, triple or quadruple what you were charging before
Design packages with the right pricing and elements that your clients will clamor to sign up for
Breakthrough the inner blocks that hold you back from confidently offering premium service packages
Reach YOUR perfect clients with your marketing
Establish yourself as a GO-TO EXPERT in your industry, because you offer the best results
Have longer and more profitable client engagements
Attract serious clients who are a pleasure to work with, show up fully, and do the work it takes to get results
Generate a steady stream of high-paying clients with predictable income every month
If you’d like to work with fewer clients while making more money—simplifying your business while dramatically improving your financial situation…

Join It's a Deal Program Today

Avoid the 3 Massive Mistakes that Repel High-End Clients and Keep You Underearning and Undercharging

In your It's a Deal program I'm going to show you:

The 3 major mistakes you are making that are inadvertently repelling the best clients and keeping you undercharging and underearning
The most important differentiator between premium offerings and low-end offerings, and what you can do to make the leap to premium with confidence and ease
The biggest mindset shift you need to make to be practically irresistible to high-end clients

Join It's a Deal Today

Let me give you a brief tour of the modules of the It's a Deal program so you can see the key result areas that await you

Module 1 – 5 Key Mindsets: This will help you breakthrough your invisible money ceilings and finally charge what you want and get it.

And it is your decision to invest fully into this program by playing full out that is going to make all the difference in the world for you.

  • Playing full out is the difference between creating incredible financial momentum in your business and total financial struggle.
  • Bringing your A game to the Premium Packages Success System is the difference between underearning and living up to your potential.
  • It’s the difference between mere POTENTIAL for success and actually creating success.

Module 2 – Designing Your Service Packages: This is where you'll learn to design your services packages that naturally attract highly committed clients.  

I am going to share with you the key information you need to design your services packages. You look at the menu. You pick the package type you want to create and then decide which elements you want to include. Then you can use the design template to actually construct your packages, as well as create descriptions and all of the things that you really need for it. It's that simple

Module 3 – Pricing Your Packages: This is the module where I teach you the art and science of pricing that will help you decide on the pricing level best suited for your current business and for your level of experience and expertise.

I’m going to give you powerful strategies to help you create pricing and payment structures that are attractive to clients. I’ll help you decide on the pricing level best suited for you.  I am going to break down the art and science of pricing, including the psychology and strategies of pricing.

In addition, I’m also going to show you how to prevent your clients from changing your mind once they’ve said yes.

Module 4 – Marketing Your Services: In this module, we're are going we are going to be concentrating our efforts on the “art of marketing”

The more potential clients you can get into your world who are interested in what you provide, the more clients you'll eventually get! 

You'll also discover key, proven marketing strategies for reaching potential clients, generating discovery sessions (you may call them “consultations”) and converting them into paying clients.

In addition, I'll teach you the 3 Keys to Marketing Success called the “Basic Client Attraction Flow”

Module 5 – Delivering Your Services: This module is where I break down three important elements of delivering big results and premium experiences:

How do turn what you do into a system that delivers results that not only help your clients feel like they have hit jackpot in hiring you but also helps you get a lot more YES’s from your potential clients as a result of your marketing and enrollment processes

I am also going to give you practical tools that allow you to feel more confident that your clients are going to love working with you because of how you structured the delivery of your service packages from beginning to end.

Plus I'll also go deep into the mindsets and psychology of what it takes to leave your clients happy and excited about your work together

Are you ready to dramatically increase your client base?

This is What You've Been Waiting For:

The “It's a Deal” Program: This training program reveals the very best ideas, concepts, and proven systems learned from world-class coaches like Bill Baren, Eben Pagan and Ted McGrath that will give you a roadmap to success that cut's years off your success journey

This program is specifically designed for small businesses, service-orientated online marketers, coaches, consultants, authors, and speakers.

Your Exclusive Investment Offer Today

The Value of This Program Based on My Years of Coaching Plus Skills Learned from Coaching Masters Bill Baren, Ted McGrath, and Eban Pagan Is $1,995

But Today You Get FULL Access For Just 10% of That Value
Yes, For a Limited Time You Can Create Irresistible Services Packages
For Only $197


Yes, you're getting exclusive $197 pricing access to this proven training.

And you’re about to learn the EXACT SYSTEM I've used over and over to enjoy a coaching career that has been both highly enjoyable and very profitable.

You'll learn the same step-by-step process I use to convert 80% of my potential clients to paying clients. 

I guarantee that if you follow my It's a Deal Program, you'll easily earn back 10 times your investment in this training. 

In fact, the “It's a Deal”audio-based program gives you ALL THREE critical elements you need to be successful with sales:

(1) A Step-By-Step System For Consultations That Lead To “Yes”

You will have a proven step-by-step system that you can follow during each and every time you have a consultation with a potential client. 

(2) A Training Program For Getting All The Clients You Want

You’ll discover new strategies and step-by-step methods designed to help attract as many potential clients as you want. 

(3) The Tools to Transform Your Inner Game And Build Your Confidence

If you dread holding “discovery sessions”, if the thought of “selling” your services makes you uncomfortable…

And if you’re ready to have a breakthrough… then the “It's a Deal” program includes bonus tools designed to help you step into a whole new level of confidence!

Important note:
You can easily download the MP3 audios to listen and learn at your convenience. 
The thing I’m personally excited about is that we get to work together to help you increase your impact and make a bigger difference in the world. Every client you enroll is another person you can serve with your unique gifts and talents.

Are You Ready To Learn Exactly How To Package Up And Make Your Services Irresistible, Attract And Work With More Clients Than Ever Before, Charge the Prices You Deserve, And Cut Back Your Workload? Does That Sound Like Fun?

Yes, I want the It's a Deal Program!

My 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

        I am completely committed to you achieving amazing results with your business – and getting results with this program that well exceed the small one-time investment.

That’s why I guarantee that this program works and that you will get results when you do the work and implement my system.

In fact, I’m so committed that you get the results that you want, if you implement my system and don’t see results, I will make sure that you get extra support to help you create results. If you still don’t get results, I don’t deserve your money and I’ll happily refund you.

Important: I require that you submit your completed homework before I refund you. Because I know if you take action and apply the It's a Deal program, you will get results. And if you do the program assignments and you don't see a return on your efforts, then let me know within 30 days of your purchase and I'll be happy to return your investment.

This program has generated breakthrough results for heart-centered business owners and I know it can do the same for you.

Yes, I Want to Join It's a Deal!

Let's talk to make sure this program is the right fit for you. If so we can then come to an agreement on the investments required