Conversation Starters

Conversation Starters – Ice Breakers

One of the best ways to improve engagement is by asking a question. 

People love to talk about themselves, and one goal of social media is to encourage self-revelation so your social following becomes a community.

Remember that not every question needs to relate to your business.

Conversion shouldn’t be your only goal on social media. Engagement in and of itself is worth its weight in gold.

Here is your direct download of:
“Conversation Starters – Ice Breakers” 

Once you have discovered these conversation starters, check out my Attract More Leads training program that shows you how to use conversation and content to attract high-quality leads, and not spend a dime on ads. 

The Attract More Leads program will show you how to implement the secret to lead generation on LinkedIn – target, attract and engage with a few niche audiences using personalized 1-on-1 marketing strategies.

The Attract More Leads will show you how to consistently attract more high-quality leads and clients without spending a dime on ads


Let's talk to make sure this program is the right fit for you. If so we can then come to an agreement on the investments required