Profitable Personalized Prospecting

Profitable Personalized Prospecting (PPP System)

Everyone is automating these days and bots are everywhere. Automation has become the standard of customer relationship management AND prospecting systems.

However, treating every prospect like they’re equal is a huge mistake. 

If you really want to get a response, and I bet you do, here’s a simple prospecting concept that will require some time commitment – on average about 30 minutes per day – but it will generate 15 – 20 Highly Qualified Prospects Each Month if you commit to the system

Think about what difference that would make to your business.

If you're not willing to invest that much time or if you want a fully automated prospecting machine then this is not for you.

This is not a marketing automation system but rather a system that relies on a more personal touch.

Yes, PPP is a system and you have videos and PDF's to guide you every step of the way. 

I have taken the popular technologies people use such as social media, text messages and email to develop personal relationships.

But then I have taken it one step further using the “corner store” business model approach where the owner knew you and your family.

After all, everyone likes to feel they're important enough that someone remembers the little things in their life.

The Profitable Personalized Prospecting system is based on “personal touches” when the prospect least expects it.

To achieve this you must be prepared to pick up the phone as it's an integral part of this prospect relationship building process.

The messaging system has 3 “personal touch points” that not only build relationships with your prospects but also differentiate you from every other marketer they have ever come across.

Your personal touches build the know, like, and trust factors essential for rapport to happen. But they also help you transform cold uninterested leads into warm engaged prospects and some of them into “red hot prospects” for your business.

Enjoy and good luck with your prospecting

Your PPP System Resources

1. Overview of the Parts 1-4 of Your PPP System 

2. Overview of Parts 5-8 of Your PPP System

3. Facebook Prospecting Tool

4. Exporting Facebook Friend Connections

Your Direct Downloads

Foundation Steps Downloads

Multi-Touch Point Messaging System

How to Turn Consultations Into Sales


Let's talk to make sure this program is the right fit for you. If so we can then come to an agreement on the investments required