Welcome – Zurich Sales

Welcome to Your Zurich Sales Coaching Sessions

Congratulations – your application for this coaching program has been accepted.

Over the next 90 days, we will meet weekly on Zoom with a mix of training and Q & A

The objective of this coaching course is:

!. To make you an expert in the use of Facebook to be able to generate free organic leads for your insurance offers

2. To be confident in creating attention-grabbing content of the highest value – and no you will not have to create very much as I will show you how to “hack existing viral content”

3. How to use conversational selling to identify, approach, help, advise, present, and get both new clients and new agents

Next Steps:
Use the links below to set up either a one-time investment or an investment payment plan

IMPORTANT: After payment, you will be directed to a page where you MUST complete a brief coaching program questionnaire.

One-Time Investment of US$700


3 * US$250 / Month Subscription Investment






Peter Beckenham
International Sales Coach






Let's talk to make sure this program is the right fit for you. If so we can then come to an agreement on the investments required