ATTRACTION-BASED MESSAGING For any social media messaging to be effective, you have to identify what your ideal clients want MOST You must get this right. Then FOCUS on that ONE thing they want most and give it to them Not what you think they NEED but what they think they WANT. If you can’t get […]
Tag Archives: create trust and rapport
Messaging Essentials
MESSAGING ESSENTIALS Your success or failure with your messaging is based on the questions you ask and the answers you receive. As Tony Robbins once said – Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” Messaging essentials is an important part of your marketing – and attraction marketing is what […]
Storytelling Steps
STORYTELLING PROCESS STEPS To ensure your storytelling provides the maximum possible impact here are 5 storytelling process steps you must keep in mind. Understand Your Audience Get Clear on Your Intention Appreciate the Potential Outcomes Define Your Message Here is your PDF “Storytelling Process Steps” that will explain the 5 critical steps that will empower […]
Why People Don’t Buy From You?
WHY PEOPLE DON’T BUY YOUR STUFF? Scared & worried about what people think of you? Yes? Maybe deep down you have a problem with worthiness Maybe you feel you are not good enough to help others Maybe you want to make sales but the very thought of selling your stuff scares the pants off you […]
More Sales Conversations
HOW TO HOLD MORE SALES CONVERSATIONS? The typical sales conversation cycle has three steps: You help the prospect to clarify and communicate their situation. You seek permission to communicate your solution. Together you decide whether or not to move forward. And if you don’t have enough people to talk with watch this “How to Attract […]
Red & Green Light Stories
RED & GREEN LIGHT STORIES Fear holds us back from time to time It’s the #1 thing that keeps people stuck in one place But fears can also be an indicator of the direction we should go – but we’ll need the courage to face these fears and take the action required for success. The […]
Words for Facebook Posts
WORDS THAT BOOST & BURN FACEBOOK POSTS If your Facebook posts are not getting shared then here are 4 words you need to keep in mind: We Love New Stuff Yep. Just 4 words. We Love New Stuff. Or if you want to be more conversational, people just love to share new content because there […]
StoryTelling for Business
GROW YOUR BIZ WITH STORIES Everyone loves a good story, but how can stories actually grow a business? Is there really a return on investment with storytelling? The short answer: Yes, absolutely. In fact, storytelling is so powerful, that I encourage you to think of yourself as a storyteller first, and a marketer second. If […]
Bad at Selling
WHY MOST PEOPLE ARE BAD AT SELLING? When most people think of a “salesperson,” they imagine a spammy telemarketer or used-car salesman. Hollywood perpetuates these stereotypes in films like The Wolf of Wall Street. The result is that many business people, from small business owners to venture-funded entrepreneurs, never learn how to properly sell their […]
How to Get More Sales?
HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SALES PERFORMANCE WITHOUT BEING SALESY? Today I want to share with you how to do a sales presentation and improve your sales performances without being salesy. How to get more sales by understanding how to communicate to convert. Frankly, one of the things that bothered me about so many people’s presentations […]