YOUR PROSPECT CALL CONVERSATION GUIDE How to convey the benefits of your offer that makes prospects FEEL 100% confident about working with you Download and don’t skim read this – allow yourself 30 minutes to absorb what is being shared. This guide may just be, the single most important document you possess on your computer, […]
Tag Archives: sales conversations
Attract More Customers
ATTRACT MORE CUSTOMERS BY KEEPING THINGS PERSONAL Attract more customers by keeping things personal is a simple yet powerful philosophy of my sales coaching and mentoring. Many thanks to Desi Perez and Leneke Pearce of the Eagles Elite Team for allowing me to share some of my recent sales training with them. People buy people […]
Perfect Customer
PERFECT CUSTOMER CHECKLIST Before you can start thinking about getting more customers… Better start working out what exactly an ideal customer is for you. When you think about it this way, the entire concept is quite simple: Yes, your ideal customer is one who gets exactly what they want from what you are offering Makes […]
Sales With No Selling
SALES WITHOUT SELLING YOUR SOUL For many marketers sales without selling is a refreshing new approach that in fact, I’ve been successfully practicing for more than 36 years. Sales without selling your soul is all about selling from your heart. Want to empower more people to say “yes” to what you offer without feeling as […]
More Sales Conversations
HOW TO HOLD MORE SALES CONVERSATIONS? The typical sales conversation cycle has three steps: You help the prospect to clarify and communicate their situation. You seek permission to communicate your solution. Together you decide whether or not to move forward. And if you don’t have enough people to talk with watch this “How to Attract […]
Power of Pacing
The power of pacing a sales conversation is when you walk alongside your prospect and let them know and FEEL that you understand the pain and their problem It’s very important to get clarity on this issue of EXACTLY what your prospect’s PROBLEM really is plus WHO are your ideal prospects? When you can describe […]