Social Selling Statistics There are statistics and statistics and the sales stats below are the cream of the crop. They’re eye-popping, motivational, and they’ll have you selling like Joe Girard in no time flat. Posts with videos can generate engagement rates of 50% or more. (Databox) 80% of sales are made by 20% of salespeople. […]
Tag Archives: sales questions
Why Prospects Say No
DISCOVER WHY YOUR PROSPECTS SAY NO Hearing “no” once is frustrating. But hearing it 5, 10, or 50 times in a row? How off-putting, how shattering, how frustrating can that possibly be> Yep with this sort of reaction, you sure can kiss your confidence goodbye. And yes I’ve heard all the reasons why… You’ll discover […]
Sell From Your Heart
WHY YOU MUST SELL FROM YOUR HEART? Sales is an act of love and service. You need to listen to people’s stories, find out what is not working for them, inspire them, guide them, and help them make the very best buying decision Stop thinking about selling and closing your prospects – instead, think about […]
7 FREE Ways to Get Customers
7 FREE WAYS TO GET MORE CUSTOMERS Everyone wants more customers, right? But not everyone can afford to spend big and generate leads for their business so today I’m giving you something a little different I’m going to show you how your imperfections and struggles can actually attract new customers. Interested? Then stay with me […]
300 Year Old Sales Tip
300-YEAR-OLD SALES TIP How can discovery about gravity in 1683 send your sales into overdrive? Yes 300 years ago Sir Isaac Newton came up with his laws of motion He said that when you apply force to an object it produces an equal and opposite force Well, so how can this possibly help you with […]
LOL to Sales Success
LOL YOUR WAY TO SALES SUCCESS Messaging has become an important part of our marketing. We all know that LOL commonly means laugh out loud But when people use it in a message it may not mean that Laugh out loud – LOL could mean actually laughing or relaxed, or embarrassed a bit, or enjoying your […]
15 Stupid Sales Questions
15 Stupid Sales Questions Let’s be real: Most salespeople are annoying. They view their prospects as numbers in their sales funnel, not as people. They believe earning your business is a chess match and a signed contract means they “won the game.” Remember as a child when parents and teachers encouraged you to ask questions […]