YOUR PROSPECT CALL CONVERSATION GUIDE How to convey the benefits of your offer that makes prospects FEEL 100% confident about working with you Download and don’t skim read this – allow yourself 30 minutes to absorb what is being shared. This guide may just be, the single most important document you possess on your computer, […]
Tag Archives: know like and trust
Vulnerability Helps
3 WAYS VULNERABILITY HELPS YOU TO SUCCEED How open are you? When you’re striving to succeed, it’s not uncommon to worry that revealing too much of yourself, especially the parts which show doubt or fear, will make you appear weak. But did you know being vulnerable is key to the success of today? This is […]
Making Decisions
MAKING DECISIONS – SECRETS OF MAKING DECISIONS We all make thousands of decisions each day. How can you optimize your decision-making by restructuring the steps you take before you decide? My lifetime experiences have enabled me to witness firsthand what truly effective decision-making looks like in action. Making decisions is not always that easy. A […]
Success Questions
10 QUESTIONS FOR YOUR SUCCESS One great way to learn how to succeed is to hear how other people did it and follow their leads. So if you ever got to pick the brain of Warren Buffett, Shonda Rhimes, or Megan Rapinoe, do you know what you’d ask? Don’t lie: some of you already do, […]
Lead Generation
3 STEP LEAD GEN PROCESS If you want a lead generation system that works then you need to do one important thing before anything else… STOP looking for leads and start looking at “conversations” The key is to position yourself as a person of interest and authority. You need to cover the following critical steps: […]
Attraction Messaging
ATTRACTION-BASED MESSAGING For any social media messaging to be effective, you have to identify what your ideal clients want MOST You must get this right. Then FOCUS on that ONE thing they want most and give it to them Not what you think they NEED but what they think they WANT. If you can’t get […]
Messaging Essentials
MESSAGING ESSENTIALS Your success or failure with your messaging is based on the questions you ask and the answers you receive. As Tony Robbins once said – Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” Messaging essentials is an important part of your marketing – and attraction marketing is what […]
Storytelling Steps
STORYTELLING PROCESS STEPS To ensure your storytelling provides the maximum possible impact here are 5 storytelling process steps you must keep in mind. Understand Your Audience Get Clear on Your Intention Appreciate the Potential Outcomes Define Your Message Here is your PDF “Storytelling Process Steps” that will explain the 5 critical steps that will empower […]
Why People Don’t Buy From You?
WHY PEOPLE DON’T BUY YOUR STUFF? Scared & worried about what people think of you? Yes? Maybe deep down you have a problem with worthiness Maybe you feel you are not good enough to help others Maybe you want to make sales but the very thought of selling your stuff scares the pants off you […]
More Sales Conversations
HOW TO HOLD MORE SALES CONVERSATIONS? The typical sales conversation cycle has three steps: You help the prospect to clarify and communicate their situation. You seek permission to communicate your solution. Together you decide whether or not to move forward. And if you don’t have enough people to talk with watch this “How to Attract […]