Presentation Magic

GREAT COMMUNICATION SECRETS – Part 2 PRESENTATION MAGIC In this session, I’m going to share with you ways one of my mentors, Pat Quinn, taught me that will ensure you deliver your signature talk to get the maximum results from that presentation and that the audience can learn what you’re trying to teach them. I’d […]

Your Presentation Set-Up

GREAT COMMUNICATION SECRETS – Part 2 GETTING YOUR SET-UP RIGHT Hi, everybody. I’m Peter Beckenham, the Village Marketer, and welcome to the first session of Great Communication Secret Part 2. We’re about to start learning how to maximize the use of the awesome signature talk/presentation, you created in part 1 of Great Communication Secrets And […]

Signature Talk – Pulling It All Together

GREAT COMMUNICATION SECRETS PULLING IT ALL TOGETHER My final message to you – when it comes to delivering your signature talk, do it with enthusiasm and confidence – that the contagious bit! So, if you’ve been going along through the process with me, you now have clarity on who you serve and the problem that […]

Call to Action

GREAT COMMUNICATION SECRETS CALL TO ACTION + YOUR CLOSING HEART STORY We have talked about the opening heart story and the head or content portion of your presentation. In this session we’re going to talk about the last two sections of your presentation, the hands or call to action, and the closing heart story. The […]

Your Signature Talk Content

GREAT COMMUNICATION SECRETS YOUR SIGNATURE TALK CONTENT I’d like to talk to you in this session about the second of the four sections of your presentation. The first section we covered was the opening heart segment. And now we’re going to talk about the head section or the content that you’re going to teach the […]

Your Opening Heart Story

GREAT COMMUNICATION SECRETS YOUR OPENING HEART STORY It is time to start crafting your signature talk presentation. There are four parts to a signature presentation and the first is the opening heart story. Now, some people start right away with their content. But I want to encourage you to include something before you break into […]

Clarity In Communication

GREAT COMMUNICATION SECRETS CLARITY – KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE I’m excited to share what 2 of my mentors, Pete Vargas and Pat Quinn from “Advance Your Reach” taught us about how to get started putting together your signature talk presentation that, by the way, will become the #1 marketing tool in your toolbox. TWO IMPORTANT BITS […]

10X Your Sales

10X YOUR SALES WITH NO PITCHING! In this blueprint I want to share with you a way to use conversational selling to build rapport and perceived value with a prospective customer and as a result 10X your sales. There will be no pitching at all and we’ll use the same questioning and active listening techniques […]

Setting The Criteria

SETTING THE CRITERIA When speaking to your audience (of 1 or many in any format) one powerful way to differentiate yourself from your competition is to be the one who “sets the criteria” In your signature talk presentation rather than trying to convince people to buy, you focus on giving real value. Real value means […]

Great Communication Secrets Part 1

GREAT COMMUNICATION SECRETS PART 1 Everyone can become a great communicator – it’s not whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert. It’s all about connecting with your audience in an authentic and unique way. In this series of Great Communication Secrets, there are 2 PDFs and 1 MP3 audio and together they will take you […]