Why Is Selling Difficult

Sales is hard. That’s why the really good get paid very well. Let me ask you, can you relate to any of these things you may say in a typical day?  I get rejection all the time. When I cold call or network, people don’t really want to talk to me. Cold calling doesn’t work. […]

The Future of Sales

THE FUTURE OF SALES WITH ANNA ROBSON AND PETER BECKENHAM Firstly, accept the fact that as a small business owner you are in sales – no sales means no business Find answers to the following key question when it comes to sales: Would you say that the way we sell or how we approach the […]

Cool Free Tools

Cool Free Tools

This is the FIRST ever webinar I created a few years ago. If I looked a bit star-struck then you know why! I really enjoyed doing the research phase for these “Cool FREE Tools” and I hope you find these resources helpful and of some help. The webinar goes for about 40 minutes so please […]

Sales Funnel Secret Success Formula

A Great Sales Funnel Has Traffic + Conversions = Sales Revenue This is the simple secret success formula of any sales funnel. An effective sales funnel includes : Getting targeted traffic To a valuable targeted offer That is optimized to convert So that you can makes sales and create profits This is the formula that […]

When Do You Say No?

For simple peace of mind I needed to deliver this important message to you today. I know you receive many communications promoting all sorts of offers but please don’t judge this message as ‘another one of those exaggerated offers” Saying no here would be a huge mistake. Yes I am compensated when you accept this […]