5 second rule

5 Second Rule

What would you give to end self-doubt, fear, and indecisiveness in just five seconds? Mel Robbins, SUCCESS contributing editor, CNN commentator and author of The 5 Second Rule, says you that’s really all it takes. In this interview with SUCCESS.com’s Shelby Skrhak, Robbins reveals the low point in her life that helped her discover the […]


If ever you run out of content to share on social media, rather than simply quote some well-known authority or personality, why not use and/or create your own from this awesome list of anonymous quotations Some are ones you’ll never, ever use but they all may give you some great ideas So, enjoy and have […]

Proven Social Media Conversation Transition Tips

Proven Social Media Conversation Transition Tips Use this 3-step approach to get more qualified leads and recruit more team members in relatively quick time with no paid advertising. This 3-step approach to social media conversations shows you how to easily start a conversation with a quality prospect without feeling awkward or sleazy. You’ll learn exactly […]


Mindset: Is Your Mindset Killing Your Business?

Apologies as it’s been some weeks since my last post and to a large extent let’s put that down to my mindset. Yes, like all entrepreneurs experience at some time or another, recently I have been going through a tough time with my business.  And yes it seemed to me that I had experienced the […]

know like trust

Know, Like, Trust – Simple Success Secrets

Know,Like,Trust Elements of Success We’ve all heard the words know,like,trust but do we really do whatever we can to implement these 3 critical factors of success? All of us have to work hard to build and maintain relationships both in life and in business. People always respect and admire authenticity so even if you’re a brand […]

past mistakes guide you

Are You Making These 5 Deadly Marketing Sins?

Before we look at the 5 deadly marketing sins here’s a simple question for you. Let’s Start With a Dose of Reality Are you really doing whatever it takes to succeed and make money online or are you setting yourself up for failure? If your honest answer to that question is “I’m not sure” then […]

Are You For Real?

If life is not working out for you right now then watch this video. This may upset some people but you need to know this stuff. Your success in life is just around the corner – IF you can believe that! That’s the challenge I have for you. Because “once you believe you are something […]

Be Real Not Perfect

Are you guilty of being stuck in neutral gear whilst you try to perfect that blog post, your video presentation or that mind-shattering article you’ve been preparing for what seems to be ages? In business and in life just be the “best that you can be” rather than chasing the perfect solution to everything! Far […]

So What’s Holding You Back?

Whatever business you are in, without the driving force of a “mission” you truly believe in and are determined to achieve, your chances of success are very limited. WAIT…don’t dismiss this post because you don’t have time to talk about fluffy stuff like a MISSION. If you are seeking any type of success then I challenge you […]

GPS – Are You Sure Your GPS Works?

So do you really know where you are in your life, in your business? Feeling a bit lost or losing your enthusiasm? Probably your GPS needs a service. No we’re not talking about the GPS you probably have in your phone or your car.. It’s YOU we are talking about. You can’t blame a machine […]